Sunday 11 March 2012

Subtle steels

Yesterday I had a day off work and fitted the new steel wheels (using my new bargain Lidl £20 trolley jack which makes things a bit quicker). Hopefully they wont be putting any more salt on the roads. Still getting used to the look and stance, think it might need to go a bit lower but not sure.

My first attempt at carpeting and self tappers was on the sliding door using the ply lining base before I discovered the MVM fixings (see earlier posts), a few weeks ago I retrimmed the original hardboard panel so I fitted it with fixings to match the rest of the interior panels. The last picture is of the bonnet strut I fitted a while ago. This is great for me as I regularly need to get under the bonnet to access the 240v hookup. I also fettled the drivers door to fit perfectly flush. Gave it a good clean as well. All easy mods and a nice way to spend your day off.

Same colour van honest:

Retrimmed door panel:

Bonnet strut:


Wednesday 7 March 2012

Praise to the lowered

Here's a few pictures, stock:

A year later, spot the difference, five external ones, answers below:

Bus stop, back end could do with a wipe:

A: coilovers, windows, repeaters, deflectors, wheels painted

Monday 5 March 2012

Coilovers fitted - first impressions

CMC Coilovers are now fitted. I have only gone for a moderate drop and the dampers are on the softest setting. Impressions so far are that it feels much more controlled, no wallowing when cornering or under braking. My biggest fear was that it might be crashy and hard as has been my experience with lowering springs on other vehicles, gladly I can report that it feels firmer than standard but compliant with no bottoming out through potholes or over speed bumps so far.
The van also feels noticably lower when you are driving which makes it feel generally more planted engendering more confidence in its handling. Bear in mind this is all from someone who doesn't race around but was looking for a general improvement over stock.

Oh, and it looks heaps better, pictures to follow.